Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I've decided that today is going to be a catch up day. I hit it pretty hard last night in the gym and feel like I could use today as an opportunity to update everyone on more than just workout routines.

With that said, I'd like to take some time to thank our first two Race To Rome sponsors, J.T. Griffin and Arctic Shield. We really do appreciate your donations and look forward to seeing what we can do for Isabel's House in the next few months.

Taylor has continued to do a great job of promoting our group and as a result we are getting more and more visitors. A New Eli is up to nearly 400 visitors, representing 8 states, China and even Zagreb, Croatia (If you are reading this and are from Zagreb, Croatia please drop me a line....just curious how you came across the site).  

Our facebook group is up to 91 members and we have even served as an inspiration to Mr. Robert Simpson. Everyone should check out his site and track his progress. I've known Bobby for years and am really proud of how far he's come. I have no doubt he'll get to where he wants to be and I think the blog is a great idea. If you get a chance, drop by his page and give him a comment to show your support....it blows my mind how much motivation I get from all of this.

Thanks again to everyone for visiting

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Total Miles: 85

It’s been a fairly typical week.  Hit the gym with Dan when it was too cold and ran when it wasn't.  I'm trying to step my runs up to a minimum of 5 miles when I get out and trying to get out more often than I had the past couple of weeks.  We had a run of amazing weather this weekend and I would have been crazy not to take advantage.  

I had 2 drinks last night and could believe how much it affected me this afternoon.  I could feel a huge difference in my strength and endurance.  It is amazing how much I notice how things like that now that I am trying to be active ….Anyhow, I took a new route to try and get up around 6 miles.  I crossed the river and ran into all kinds of areas that I had no idea existed. 

First was a decent looking skate park that was packed with punky high school kids.  Kind of fun to watch though.  Next was an area devoted to the Tulsa Row Club.  Had no idea we had anything like that going on.  There must have been 50 people out front using rowing machines and tending to their boats.  It looked like a good time, maybe something worth looking into.   My last find was a roller hockey rink.  There were two full teams and a reasonable crowd watching.

I will probably make this my new everyday route.  I think it was right on the edge of 6.5 hours and comes with an awesome view of the city for most of the way back.  Hopefully this weather will continue and I will get enough material for more than one blog post per week. 

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Total Miles: 72

My workout routines have become a bit too , well…routine.  Since my last post, I have only had the chance to run outside the day before and the morning of Thanksgiving.  I need to get back in the habit and tuff out the cold.  Every time I do go out, I quickly realize that it isn’t as bad as it seems like it should be and wind up enjoying the cool air and quiet evenings with the trail mostly to myself.  For the most part, I have been doing the gym.  I have been pretty consistently going 5-6 nights a week and try to mix up what I do while there.

Tonight, I had once again convinced myself that it was too cold and windy.  As I got out to my car to head for the treadmill, I realized it wasn’t too bad and since it wasn’t even dark yet I decided to give it a go.  I wound up taking a new route that I have always wondered about.  It started out being a great decision, crossing the river with an amazing view of downtown at dusk.  Unfortunately, the further out I got, the darker and colder it became and the more I questioned whether or not this was a good idea.  At some point I took a wrong turn and found myself in a questionable neighborhood.   I was approached by an older woman pushing a cart.  She commented that she didn’t think it was a good idea for me to be out there (what she actually said was a bit more controversial than I care to mention in a blog).  I was also cruising on some dark sidewalk when some truck tire blew out just as he drove by.  The driver got out, said a few choice words and sped off.  To cap it off, I got home, realized I had locked myself out and had to break out a window to get into my house.  Just a strange trip.

I’m glad that the gym has at least kept my conditioning that I had worked up to.   Don’t know that it helped, but was able to start where I left off.

Long story short, I once again realized that running out in 30something temperatures is not a problem.  If anything I feel like it helps and hope to get out a few times a week minimum.  

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Total Miles: 56

So it's been a while, again.  I will try and update more often.  My apologies.

Anywho...I am still hard at it.  Dan and I spent most every day last week in the gym.  We have added strength training to our workouts.  We now spend a solid half hour lifting weights before we make our way to the elliptical and cap the night off with a visit to the sauna.  I'm not a huge fan of it, but I think its time I tuff it out and become a regular on that side of the gym.  I don't know how beneficial any of that is to marathon training, but with the weather like it is, it's the best I can do.

Today, I took part in my first race, The Route 66 Quarter Marathon here in Tulsa.  I had to walk 1.5 miles from my house because all of the roads near my house were closed for the marathon.  It was a really decent crowd I thought.  Not sure how many entered, but it had to have been a couple thousand.  

I was in the quarter marathon crowd for 6.5ish miles.  The race mostly took place in my normal running turf down by the river, but was noticeably further.  Around mile 5, I was defiantly feeling it.   To be honest, I was impressed with myself.  I had never run more than 3 miles without stopping prior to today, and managed to do the entire race slowing only for a drink a couple of times. 

Unfortunately, no one told me that I had to zip tie the little RFID card to my shoe in order for it to read your time, so I am unsure of exactly how long it took me to finish.  I’m pretty sure that the clock read 1:11 as I made the final push to the finish line.  Sub 11 minute miles are nothing to write home about for many of the people out there, but I felt like I have come a long way.  Two months ago, running this race would have been impossible.  I cant see this being my final Tulsa run.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

long time no write

Total Miles: 36

Its been a few days, lets see if I cant recap on the weekend up to now.

I'm trying to push myself to a 4 mile minimum distance.
Friday, I got in a solid 4 mile run. Around mile 1.5 some guy came up beside me and we had a conversation. Made me wish I had someone to run with. Really seemed to make it easier to push myself with him there doing the same.

I had to get back to Missouri for the rest of the weekend so I knew that I needed to make the most while in Tulsa. I got a 3 mile run in Saturday morning before I left. This officially put training miles over that of a marathon and it only took me two weeks....ouch. Cant let it get me down.
I didn't get back home until it was to late to justify getting out on Sunday, so I took the night off. It surprises me that I now am starting to look forward to getting out and exercising. This is defiantly a first for me. Hopefully won't be something I soon abandon.
The weather has continued to hold out, so I still haven't made it back to the gym. Monday and Tuesday were another couple of 4 mile nights. Monday was probably the best I've felt yet. I would say that I am now running a solid 90% of my total distance. Feels good to be making progress....sure hope its enough.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Total Miles: 21

Welcome back to another blog de Eli.

I was excited to get my most recent Woot! purchase yesterday evening….the most amazing blender ever.  I can now make fruit smoothies with the best of them.  This baby can turn a bucket of ice into snow in just a few seconds.  I officially started the morning off with a glass of strawberries, banana, yogurt, flax, peanut butter and honey.    Loved every ounce.

Lately we have had a run of incredible weather.  Tuesday and Wednesday I hit the trail for my 3 mile jaunt.  There is no doubt that running outside packs more of a punch than the elliptical.  I am starting to question my technique.   I am half tempted to stop one of the 50-somethings casually flying by me at what would be my sprint and ask what I’m doing wrong.  Then again, wouldn’t surprise me if it’s not just something that takes time to develop. 

Today I got stuck working late and despite the 70 degree, perfect evening I couldn’t get myself outside.  These early nights are killing me.  Plan to hit it hard tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend

Monday, October 27, 2008

Take Two

Total Miles: 15

Hello again guys and welcome back to my blog.

Things are defiantly getting easier. Looking back, I kind of wish I had been doing this whole "eating 5-6 times a day" thing all along. I’m surprised with how little it takes me to get full and even more surprised with how soon it came about. Not even a week into all this, and I would say that I have cut my per sit-down food intake a solid 63.47%, give or take. Seriously though, being able to just snack all day is pretty nice. But enough about that.

I had planned to take Sunday off, seeing as it was all I could do to stand up Saturday night. After a day of doing nothing, I decided I should probably get out and if I am going to get out I may as well hit the gym for a bit. I tried to redo most of what I had learned in my training session, 30 minutes on the elliptical and I hit the sauna.

Monday was a chili cook-off at work. Nobody can resist a United Way Benefit Chili Cook-off. So I did eat some chili, but nothing excessive.

I thought it looked to be a nice night for running, but stepping out from the office proved that looks can be deceiving. It was cold, windy and not what I am looking for in weather for a casual evening run. Wound up at the gym again with Dan. I did another half hour on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the treadmill and another trip to the sauna.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blog Numero One

Total Miles: 9

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. This being my first post, I feel that I should take a minute to introduce myself and then go on to document my progress from each day.

About myself:

My name is Eli Bozeman. I am a 23 year old technical SAP developer for Deloitte Consulting and a recent graduate of the University of Arkansas. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I have never been satisfied with my physical condition, but over the years have grown to accept it.

College allowed for its share of rationalization. Between class, work and a university meal plan, keeping the weight off proved to be a challenge.

So now, as I begin to settle into my career, I feel as though I have run out of excuses. It is time for me to stop believing that my wardrobe is shrinking and accept that it is time to do something for myself.

A week or so ago, Taylor Fox suggested to me Maratona di Roma and soon there after racetorome.com was born. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to set a goal and do what I can to reach it…all the while fueling my motivation by way of a good cause.

I am not expecting a miracle, 5 months of preparation is no substitute for 20 years of disregard. 26 miles is one hell of a trip, there is no way around that. For me, my goal is not necessarily beating anyone or even finishing the race, but rather getting to the starting line. I now have a specific goal to reach: shape up and leave Europe feeling as though I have done everything in my power to prepare myself for the most challenging physical experience of my life.

The start of a routine:

Thursday, a co-worker and myself joined a local gym and I took advantage of a free personal training session. This proved to be one of the most miserable, inspirational 30 minutes of my life. There is no doubt that I am impressed with what some simple exercise techniques can do to your body. I followed this up with 20 minutes on the treadmill and left feeling as though I was walking out on a cloud. Three days later, I still struggle to stand up, or even straighten my arms. I guess this must mean that it was a successful session.

Friday, after work I went back to the gym and spent a half hour on an elliptical machine, 10 minutes on a stationary bike and did what I could to recreate some of the exercises I had done the day before.

Saturday, I woke up, cooked an omelet and decided to make the trip to my favorite coffee house via foot. I had planned to jog what I could of the 3.5 miles and take a break out-front and do a few hours of people watching. As I passed through the surrounding neighborhoods I noticed that there were an awful lot of trick-or-treaters for a Saturday morning and as I came up on my favorite sitting-post, I found that the streets were lined with children and local shop owners giving out candy. I weaved through the crowd, grabbed a drink and was back on my way back home.

Nearly every part of my body was still hurting from my pt session, but I did what I could to keep up a decent click. I elected to time my final mile at a walking pace and see what I was up against. For the marathon we are given 7.5 hours to complete the race. That gives me just over 17 minutes /mile. I calculated my casual walking speed to get me home at 12 minutes / mile, making it very possible to finish this race by not even getting in a hurry.

Stamina is really the only contention to finishing the race. (Granted, my test was done on super-flat Oklahoma trails. I don’t know yet what to expect out of the Rome course.)

I have decided that I should try and take advantage of the awesome outdoor trails near my house for as long as the weather holds out.

Over the past few days, I have really tried to change my eating habits. I have decided to give up any casual drinking, deserts and seriously cut down on wasted carbohydrates. This has came with its share of tests, i.e. an ice cream social at work, client sponsored lunches and an unexpected visit from friends looking to go out for dinner and drinks. So far, I feel as though I have passed and hopefully this will become less and less of a challenge.

Lessons learned:

1. JalapeƱos and cayenne are probably not the best omelet topping to have before a run
60 degrees is not cool enough to justify a sweater
Never underestimate the power of a double shot of espresso after a good jog
Getting outside and pushing yourself actually isn’t all that bad, lots to see and up to now I have no regrets
There seems to be an perceptible correlation between the size of a house and which political signs people exhibit in their yards
6. Never again take for granted standing up or a full range of movement