I got in later than I was hoping Monday evening and I nearly elected to forget about my long run. I had just gotten my new heart monitor in the mail and I thought I had better at least give it a try. About 4 miles into it, I was cold, sweaty and thinking that cutting it short wasn't a bad idea. The next mile or so I realized that the only person that I would be cheating is myself, and the last thing I want to do is be less prepared come late March than I am now.
I pushed past my first 5 mile loop, then my second. I had planned to call it a night by the end of this, but as the evening went on the temperature seemed to warm and I couldn't justify getting that far and not seeing how I would feel at a half marathon.
As I walked the last stretch to my house, the pain started to set in. My joints were defiantly feeling it. Tuesday morning it was all I could do to walk. I was surprised that my knees were in as good as condition as they were. It was my hips that were giving me all the trouble. I was feeling pretty frustrated with how I felt after just half the distance I will need to do in less than a few months.
Wednesday, I was back to what I would say is 80% of where I had been going into the run. The quick recovery time was no doubt welcomed and somewhat inspiring. That evening, I did what I could at the gym, lifting weights and avoiding the treadmill.
Tonight, with temperatures in the mid 60's, I was once again back on the trail. Given the weather, I decided to do my 5 mile loop and not just 4 like I do on most weekdays. To be honest, I'm pretty sore again....may have to make tomorrow another rest day. There just doesn't seem to be enough days in the week for proper recovery.
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